30 Best Gifts for 10-year-olds in 2023

When your 10-year-old was a baby, one of the most important milestones that you dreamed of was the day when s/he would say his/her first word. Once that happened, time flew by as word after word was added to his/her vocabulary arsenal. And yet here you are, sitting alongside someone who has been alive for literally a DECADE, and s/he seems to have completely forgotten how to speak. Trying to find out what your children did at school each day feels like the equivalent of pulling teeth, and at this age, it may even be a preferable option for you – which is why our “30 Best Gifts for 10-year-olds in 2023” list aims to pair “silent” activities that they can do alone with more “engaging” games that you can play together to give them however much time they need to start opening up and letting you in.

That said, see below for our list of “Best Gifts for 10-year-olds,” and to be alerted when these (and many other) items go on sale, join our Facebook group.

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