30 Best Gifts for 11-year-olds in 2023

Welcome to our “30 Best Gifts for 11-year-olds in 2023” list! If you have an 11-year-old, you’ve likely learned that every statement you will make is inevitably grounds for a new argument. The situation will usually begin with a simple, benign sentence, such as, “it’s time for dinner.” Somehow, within milliseconds, your child will most likely choose one of two possible options: he or she will either explode into a fit of rage about how they “HATE DINNER! AND YOU! AND THE SKY!” or s/he will launch into a soliloquy as to the reasons why it is not, in fact, time for dinner. It then becomes your turn for retaliation, either with feigned indifference or by completely losing your cool and feeling like a terrible parent for the next 12 hours afterwards.

That’s why the below “Best Gifts for 11-year-olds” list includes a decent amount of solitary activities, since it seems that many kids at this age spend so much energy with their friends that they just want to zone out as soon as they get home. To be alerted when these (and many other) items go on sale, join our Facebook group.

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