The COVID Chronicles: 9 Months Later

Hello, my friends, and it’s good to see you again. My last COVID Chronicles post was about three months ago, when B was getting ready to start school and we were 6 months into COVID-19. At the time, she was super pumped about her school’s toilet bowl, completely disinterested in the new house that we recently bought, and spent her free time hoarding toilet paper (that’s my girl…!).

Here’s an update on our lives since we last spoke:

– B apparently refuses to even SIT on – much less USE – the toilet bowl that she was so excited about at her school. No explanation was given, and now it doesn’t really matter because…

– Our school has gone virtual for the foreseeable future due to COVID. It’s the right choice, but I’m already running out of ways to pass the time now that our school day ends at 11:15am and it’s 50 below zero outside. It’s been two days. Literally.

– Most of our NJ family hates me for not coming to visit, either because they don’t think COVID is real or because their situation is different than ours. I’m starting to reach the point where the next insensitive comment may send me over the edge, so that should make things interesting for all involved.

– I’ve somehow managed to seriously offend the Facebook gods by breaking some rules that I’m unaware of – and therefore continue breaking – which ultimately prevents me from posting anything worthwhile in the Mindless Mom deals group.

– Our new house is in total shambles, most of it caused by my husband’s desire to tear down a single wall that somehow seems to be holding the entire roof up. One day, it will look really nice. Unfortunately, I will be long dead by then.

So all in all, I’d say we’re doing pretty well. Just don’t leave me alone with any sharp objects – both for your and my protection LOL.

In all seriousness, though, there are many, many things to be grateful for this year. None of us up here (knock on wood) have gotten sick, my back’s being doing much better, and B still really is a great kid. Wearing a mask is a PIA, but I think we’d have all had about 50 colds by now if we weren’t wearing one, and the lack of social interaction isn’t exactly something that I particularly miss.

Hope you’re able to find the silver lining in 2020 too, and that the New Year brings good health and a positive end to this madness for us all.