The 3-year-old Credit Card Bandit

There’s a saying that “so I stepped away for just a second…” is the beginning of every parenting horror story, and today it proved completely true.

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We had just finished eating dinner. It was time to switch my laundry from the washing machine to the dryer. My husband was washing something in the sink and my daughter seemed to be occupied doing something else in the other room for a change.

Apparently that was a problem.

When I came back upstairs, I noticed that B had somehow scaled her way up my computer chair and was sitting exactly like I usually do. She even had the mouse figured out and was clicking away like mad.

I came over fairly quickly, mostly because I was shocked that she figured out how to get up there in the first place. As my eyes passed across the computer screen, I noticed that the Saks Fifth Avenue website was pulled up.

Upon further examination, I became aware that the specific Saks page that had been opened on her screen was actually to open a credit card. Upon even FURTHER examination, I became acutely aware that she had already typed out her entire first name and was furiously clicking buttons to try to submit her application.

Pretty funny, right? Yes, hahaha. I even called my parents and shared the story because hey, that’s kinda funny, right? Yeah, well let’s fast-forward to later that night when I checked my email.

“Thank you for submitting an application for a SaksFirst Mastercard. It is currently under review.”


I got my butt on the phone so fast that I almost made myself dizzy. After waiting on hold for the longest 30 seconds of my life, I was informed that B had actually SUBMITTED an application before I even came upstairs. I have no other ideas as to how she got that far except that maybe my computer auto-suggested all of the blank boxes?!? That’s literally the ONLY thing I can think of.

Regardless, I can assure you that I will be password-protecting my screen from this point forward. Let’s just hope she didn’t make any purchases there while she was at it because this mama can’t afford anything in that store…