I opened the shampoo a few days after arrival and almost passed out from the overpowering smell of something… strange. I finally figured out that this was the smell of calendula – which, for those of you who don’t know, is a plant used to make a bunch of medicines. That’s completely on me because it clearly states that just about everywhere on the packaging, but I guess I wasn’t anticipating it to be so… strong.
Restraining the impulse to plug our noses, we somehow managed to use it on B that night. While toweling off, she kept asking, “Mommy, what’s that stinky smell?” (“It’s you, honey”) – and we literally just used a drop. It truly took a full two days before my poor daughter started smelling like a normal person again.
We never went back and thankfully ended up finding Sun Bum baby shampoo, which has been great so far. So if you need baby shampoo that supposedly doesn’t have chemicals in it, go with Sun Bum or Burt’s Bees – but NOT Babo Botanicals. Your nose and everyone living within a mile radius of your house will be very grateful.