The Toxic Toothbrush

Brushing my daughter’s teeth is, for the most part, my husband’s job. He takes far better care of his teeth than I do mine, so it seemed like a good idea to task him with something like this.

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One night when my daughter was about 18 months old, he casually mentioned something to me about finding a “strange piece of something” on the top of B’s toothbrush, the fourth in a set of the Nuby 4-stage oral care system. I looked at it and quickly deduced that whatever it was was NOT friendly and didn’t belong in my kid’s mouth. That said, I wasn’t entirely sure where it came from, so we finished up and went to bed.

The following morning, I was on tooth-brushing duty, and it was there where I watched my daughter’s toothbrush completely disintegrate in front of my eyes. As it disintegrated, I watched dozens of small pieces of metal fall into my sink – and I know they were metal because I felt them afterwards to confirm.

I realize that this photo makes the brush look a little, let’s say, overused? But it didn’t look like that until it started unraveling after I touched it. We actually started using it even later than was recommended, so the only conclusion I can come to was that it was poorly made from the beginning.

To Nuby’s credit, they refunded me right away and sent a pretty nice apology email when I contacted them (which I usually don’t do, but this seemed like it merited an email). But I’d have preferred to have been out the money and never have witnessed this whole thing in the first place.

So yeah, don’t use this. Your kid will thank you.

1 thought on “The Toxic Toothbrush”

  1. Pingback: Terrible Things: The Stinky (Babo Botanicals) Shampoo - Mindless Mom

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