My daughter is pretty observant – a trait that she most definitely gets from her father and not me. And even though she’s not in school yet, COVID-19 has impacted her world in ways I never imagined. Take toilet paper, for instance.
From the moment she started potty-training, B had a fascination with toilet paper. At first, we let her take as many pieces as she thought she needed – but when we started noticing that entire rolls were beginning to disappear after two bathroom breaks, we implemented a three-piece limit that she seems to have taken to pretty well.
But when COVID-19 hit, toilet paper became a hot commodity. While I never referenced this to her, B must have sensed the tension as I’d keep searching – unsuccessfully – for TP online. I’d turn around and, as many of you have already seen, I’d be greeted with artistic impressions of its importance like in the below unprompted display. Are the Little People protecting the toilet paper? Worshiping it? In awe of it? Trying to channel it? Nobody will ever know.

Anyway, fast-forward to the other day, when I finally mustered enough courage to sweep under B’s bed for the first time in, oh, I don’t know, at least a month. I found… this.

When I asked her WHY she was hoarding pieces of toilet paper under her bed (didn’t she know these could be WORTH something?!), her response was, “Mommy, I was saving it. We may need it one day.”
Well-played, B, well-played. You have the entrepreneurial spirit in you yet… xoxo
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