Urinary Uprising

My daughter was never one for sleeping. Up until she was 20 months old, it was standard protocol for her to be awake every three hours, and the notion of “sleeping through the night” was a completely laughable theoretical concept to me.

She finally started to get the hang of it around 24 months, and I think she’s been making up for lost time ever since. But, alas, all good things must come to an end, and finally at 3.5 years old, she began the process of cutting out naptime.

As a result, we implemented a mandatory “quiet time” upstairs with her books and toys, and everything seemed to be going surprisingly well.

Until the other day.

B had been silent for at least 30 minutes when she quietly called to me, “Mommy, guess what? I just cleaned my WHOLE bedroom!”

“Good job, B,” I replied. “I’ll come see it when quiet time is over.”

“OK, Mommy!” she responded. “I did a really good job! I’m going to keep going!”

Time passed, and it was ultimately time to go get her. I walked into the room and was immediately overpowered by a strange… smell…

Not being able to place it right away, I looked – perplexed, I would assume – down at my daughter, who proudly showed me a pile of clothes, old burp cloths and toilet paper that she had amassed during her time alone.

“Look, Mommy!” she said with a smile. “I cleaned the room with these things! But now they’re wet so I need to put them in the hamper.”

Even more confused, I asked, “B, why are they wet? There’s nothing w….”

My eyes rested on the only potentially “wet” item in the room – her potty.

Yes, friends. It happened. And she didn’t miss a spot. Now, does anyone know a good fumigation company?